Centre de la photographie Genève is moving

01.01 — 16.05.2025

New exhibition space from May 16, 2025

Centre de la photographie Genève
Bibliothèque de Genève
Promenade des Bastions 8
CH–1205 Genève

Tramway 12, 17, 18 – Place de Neuve stop
Bus 3, 5, 20, 92 — Place de Neuve stop

New administrative space from January 20, 2025

Centre de la photographie Genève
Rue de Carouge 114
CH–1205 Genève

Tramway 12, 17, 18 – Blanche stop

The Centre de la photographie Genève will leave the rue des Bains and the Bâtiment d'art contemporain (BAC), which also houses the MAMCO and the Centre d'art contemporain. The building will be closed for renovation until 2029. You can find out more about the project here. In the meantime, we are delighted to announce that we are continuing our programme in a new venue, and through various collaborations.

We are thrilled to be collaborating with the Bibliothèque de Genève and to have an exhibition space there continuously for the period 2025-2028, during the renovation of the BAC, which we will reintegrate when it reopens. The Espace Ami-Lullin, on the ground floor of the Library, in the heart of the Parc des Bastions, will enable us to continue our programme of exhibitions devoted mainly to contemporary photography, our art education programmes for school audiences and professional photographers, while opening up new possibilities for collaboration with the Bibliothèque de Genève, an institution of the City of Geneva. This new space will open its doors to the public in spring 2025.

At the same time, we are delighted to be renewing our partnership with the Maison de l'enfance et de l'adolescence of the HUG and with the Fondation Convergences, with a series of exhibitions throughout 2025. The full programme for next year will be announced shortly.

Image © Sabine Hess & Nicolas Polli