We need to talk… about fundraising


At 18.00

In French, questions in English and German welcome

Talk followed by drinks

Free admission but registration mandatory until 6 December, by email at cpg@centrephotogeneve.ch

Talk with Danaé Panchaud, director of the Centre de la photographie Genève.

‘We need to talk…’ is a new series of public talk proposed by the Centre de la photographie Genève, addressed primarily to artists, photographers and students in these disciplines. Professionals from different fields related to art and photography are invited to share their expertise and professional experience, and to discuss the specificities of their practice. With these talks, the Centre de la photographie Genève intends to demystify certain professions, encourage good practices, and support artists and photographers in important processes related to their profession, which remain largely unaddressed in schools.

During the third talk of this series, Danaé Panchaud will speak about fundraising and apllications. Applications for art awards or grants and fundraising for projects have gradually become an almost daily reality of the artist’s profession. These procedures require time and energy, and it is not easy to know from the onset what one should and can put in an application to increase one’s chances of success. Among the issues discussed during this talk: what are the key elements of a good application? How to communicate your project in an efficient and coherent way? How to establish a realistic and convincing budget?