“Jean-Yves Gargadennec decided to devote himself to photography after a serious motorcycle accident that made him realize how fragile the existence was. His first work, “Metamorphose” (Metamorphosis)bears the symbol of life and death through the walls of the Saint Charles hospital in Montpellier, which closed in 1997. He began an in-depth work about the resistance movement against General Franco in Spain. His work is composed of three sections: ” Ma part d†[...]
“Jean-Yves Gargadennec decided to devote himself to photography after a serious motorcycle accident that made him realize how fragile the existence was. His first work, “Metamorphose” (Metamorphosis)bears the symbol of life and death through the walls of the Saint Charles hospital in Montpellier, which closed in 1997. He began an in-depth work about the resistance movement against General Franco in Spain. His work is composed of three sections: ” Ma part d’ombre” (My Dark Places), a vision of the prison of Carabanchel in Madrid, “Mémoire d’une résistance“ (Memory of resistance), portraits of former members of the resistance against the Franco régime who have been in prison camps for their political ideals and “Le rêve d’Antigone” (Antigone’s dream) about the scene of this repression throughout the Iberian Peninsula; these landscapes reveal a story ignored.”