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Edgar Martins * 1977 in Evora (Portugal), lives in United Kingdom

Edgar Martins’ photos are the result of a theoretical and scientific investigation of different modes of conceptualizing the urban landscape. He alternates the fictional and the factual, the metaphorical and the real, using very skilful montages to produce images where different streams come together, collide and succeed one another in a landscape of uncertainty. For OSMOSCOSMOS, Martins presents The Poetic Impossibility to Manage the Infinite, a series of photos taken at the Euro [...]

Edgar Martins’ photos are the result of a theoretical and scientific investigation of different modes of conceptualizing the urban landscape. He alternates the fictional and the factual, the metaphorical and the real, using very skilful montages to produce images where different streams come together, collide and succeed one another in a landscape of uncertainty. For OSMOSCOSMOS, Martins presents The Poetic Impossibility to Manage the Infinite, a series of photos taken at the European Space Agency about, among other questions, microgravity, telecommunications, navigation and the lunar and Mars exploration programmes.

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