While making Pleasure Arousal Dominanceat CPG and the publication that sprang from that project in 2017—a photographic approach to the cognitive sciences that included photography as a control over our feelings—the artist became aware of the limits of the still camera. She glimpsed the never-ending negotiations of power, control and trust between her and whomever she was pointing her lens at. Her show Take a Better Pictureat the Photoforum Pasquart (Bienne) in 2018, wit [...]
While making Pleasure Arousal Dominanceat CPG and the publication that sprang from that project in 2017—a photographic approach to the cognitive sciences that included photography as a control over our feelings—the artist became aware of the limits of the still camera. She glimpsed the never-ending negotiations of power, control and trust between her and whomever she was pointing her lens at. Her show Take a Better Pictureat the Photoforum Pasquart (Bienne) in 2018, with its strong feminist streak, offered visitors a manifesto that included these lines, “My digital reflex camera… creates a distance. It leaves no room for empathy. My relationship to the other is technically hindered… My camera is black and phallic, and has the shape of a firearm.” The collages featured in OSMOSCOSMOSare part of these critical reflections.