The prints by the queer and ecofeminist artist A.L. Steiner shown in the OSMOSCOSMOS exhibition are images from the video C.L.U.E. (color location ultimate experience), Part 1, the outcome of a collaboration between A.L. Steiner and robbinschilds (Sonya Robbins and Layla Childs). In the video’s various sequences, robbinschilds, wearing rainbow-coloured clothes, adopt positions that are sometimes in harmony and sometimes stand out from their surroundings. These choreographies r [...]
The prints by the queer and ecofeminist artist A.L. Steiner shown in the OSMOSCOSMOS exhibition are images from the video C.L.U.E. (color location ultimate experience), Part 1, the outcome of a collaboration between A.L. Steiner and robbinschilds (Sonya Robbins and Layla Childs). In the video’s various sequences, robbinschilds, wearing rainbow-coloured clothes, adopt positions that are sometimes in harmony and sometimes stand out from their surroundings. These choreographies represent attentive and often humorous references to rock formations, arrangements of trees or infrastructures. They express a celebration of freedom of movement, not without casting a critical eye on human environmental impacts.