Les Editions CPG are glad to present their catalogue and artists’ monographies at Offprint Paris 2017
OFF PRINT PARIS from 9 to 12 NOVEMBer 2017
More informations about Les éditions du CPG on : https://www.centrephotogeneve.ch/editions/
A prime occasion to discover "Pleasure Arousal Dominance", Dorothée E. Baumann' monography, which brings together all of the works Dorothée E. Baumann realized when she examined the practices and tools of a center for fundamental research in the field of cognitive neuroscience, a center that is unique in Europe. Putting into perspective the use of scientific and folk practices, she addresses a critical view of Western visual culture.
As well as the first presentation of Armin Linke's last monography, following his exhibition at CPG, 'The Appearance of That Which Cannot Be Seen / L'Apparence de ce qui ne peut être vu'
In addition to 5-7 annual exhibitions that the CPG presents, CPG’s editions on average publish two books of photographs a year. To orders or information please refer to the addresses below:
Editions / Publications 〉 info@lespressesdureel.com (France, Belgium, Luxembourg) 〉 editions@centrephotogeneve.ch (Switzerland / World) Photographic Prints 〉 editions@centrephotogeneve.ch